Most individuals during their nighttime rest experience disrupted breathing; thus, causing significant health consequences. This condition is known as obstructive sleep apnea, common around many young adults and older adolescents. Patients can consult with their general dentists in such situations to find ideal solutions. Practitioners examine one’s condition involving multiple diagnostic techniques. Once finished, health professionals will explain the condition and describe each treatment option along with its benefits.
Lifestyle Changes
Most mild cases of sleep apnea can be treated by informing the patients about their condition to help them make certain lifestyle changes. Lack of nighttime rest could cause severe drowsiness, especially if they drive for longer hours or operate heavy equipment. For them, making changes, such as treating their obesity, practice regular workouts, limiting alcohol use, and avoiding smoking can help to alleviate the severity of OSA.
Positive Airway Pressure
Another effective sleep apnea treatment option for this condition is the use of positive airway pressure devices. These machines pump a stable flow of pressurized air to promote regular respiration without disruption. Patients must wear facial masks on their nose every time they administer this device. They can consult with dentists to choose other types of masks depending on their convenience.
Oral Appliances
If patients cannot adjust to sleeping with PAP machines, they can get oral appliances as a treatment option. Mandibular advancement devices help to keep their lower jaw in a protruding posture to reduce symptoms of constricted breathing. It also avoids risks of snoring and chronic bruxism. Another appliance is tongue retaining devices that enhance respiration by pulling the tongue forward.
For severe cases of OSA, dentists recommend surgeries to address anatomical imperfections that obstruct airway passage. For instance, uvulopalatopharyngoplasty is a procedure where surgeons remove a throat tissue called uvula for reduced complications. Another surgery called upper airway stimulation can also offer long-term relief.
Want to find the right treatment option for your sleep apnea condition? Oral Facial Reconstruction and Implant Center is equipped with extensively experienced and dedicated staff members to deliver the highest standards of care and service. Check our website for more details or call us at (954) 475-9840.
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