Exploring the Treatment Options for Sleep Apnea

Most people find themselves awake at night, unable to breathe. Their family members also report sounds of loud snoring or gargling. These are some of the many sleep apnea symptoms. And this potentially life-threatening disorder needs immediate medical intervention. 

Modern studies cannot propose a definite cause for this condition. But there are some assumptions, such as: 

·       Obesity 

Excessive weight greatly increases the risk of OSD since fats are likely to deposit around the upper airway. These unwanted deposits hinder respiratory functions. 

·       Age 

Some studies have found an abnormal number of cases in older ages. The throat muscles get weak over time and obstruct breathing patterns. 

·       Smoking 

This habit increases the amount of inflammation and fluid retention in the upper airways. As a result, smokers are more likely to suffer from this disorder than others. 

·       Bodily Issues 

Experts also suggest that congestive heart failure, blood pressure, and Parkinson’s disease are some conditions that increase the risk of developing sleep apnea. 

Noticeable Symptoms 

In some cases, OSD is challenging to diagnose because of the overlapping symptoms. However, there are some common signs such as: 

·       Loud snores 

·       Repeated awakenings 

·       Morning headaches 

·       Daytime fatigues 

·       Irritability 

·       Mood swings 

Treatment Options 

Patients with sleep apnea symptoms consult with qualified dentists or specialists. Practitioners will examine their condition and recommend a suitable treatment plan. 

1.     Lifestyle Changes 

As discussed, obesity, smoking, and age-related problems can cause this disorder. Therefore, people must make suitable changes to their lifestyle. Practices like regular workouts, a healthy diet, and medications for bodily conditions can lead to positive results. 

2.     Oral appliances 

Many mouthpieces are designed to improve the position of jaws and hold the tongue in place. Dentists fabricate these oral appliances based on x-rays and mold impressions. 

3.     CPAP Machine 

Most severe sleep apnea cases require a continuous positive airway pressure machine to supply a steady stream of air through a facial mask. It offers a reliable and effective treatment for symptoms. 

Is sleep apnea affecting your well-being and quality of life? Reach Oral Facial Reconstruction and Implant Center for exemplary care from experienced and dedicated dental professionals. For more info, call us at 954-227-4892!

